Go Red for Women

Circle of Red

Circle of Red

Circle of Red is a society of women who have the passion, the motivation, and the inspiration to drive and influence change in the community regarding heart health of women in their community and across the country. Circle of Red Women help support the mission of Go Red For Women® by making a personal financial commitment to the movement. Learn more at the event or join today!

Join Us

Make it your mission to become a part of the Circle of Red. Your support, influence, and gift will make a tremendous impact in the lives of so many women. Please contact Marcy Rodriguez at marcy.rodriguez@heart.org or 361-445-3190 for more information on how you can join the Circle of Red.


2016-2017 Circle of Red Chair 


Karen Urban


2016-2017 Circle of Red Members

Chris Adler
Alka Ahuja
Peggy Ahuja
Maria Alexander
Debbie Becquet
Laura Berry
Bonnie Berry
Naomi Blackburn
Dr. Rosie Bonilla
Karen Bonner
Michelle Braselton
Pamela Brower
Julie Buckley
Mary Campbell
Rachel Canales
Dr. Meredith Carter
Estela Chapa
Dove Charnquist
Kalyani Chekuri
Elizabeth Chu Richter
Janet Clark
Bonnie Cohen
Stephany Coniglio
Ann Coover
MaryJane Crull
Amanda Cutbirth
Katherine Dain
Mary Beth Delano
Lori Dellinger
Bonnie Dugan
Julie Dye
Dr. Linda Early
Kelly Elkins
Debora J. Emerson
Ann Engel
Midge Epstein
Kim Erwin
Cynthia Garcia
Dr. Mary Jane Garza
Diane Gates
Samantha Gates
Rachel Gomez
Dr. Dolores Guerrero
Ana Gutierrez
Cathy Harrison
Nancy Harwell
Jackie Hein
Nova Herin
Galen Hoffstadt
Keely Hunsaker
Ann Jaime
Grace Jakubowski
Robin Jifibahlool
Karen Kane
Susan Karp
Carol Kins
Paulette Kluge
Debbie Layton
Pam Leshin
Susan Lewis
Sara Longoria
Catherine Lutz
Tressa Majka
Anita Mallory
Angelica Masciale
Liz Mathews
Sandy McKinnon
Sunshine Moore
Sandra Morgan
Sarah O'Brien
Pamela O'Connor
Kymberley Oshman
Dr. Mary Dale Peterson
Lindsey Pietsch
Laurie Plant
Melba Resendez
Claudia Reyes
Anna Rich
Loren Rock
Roe Rock
Debra Rodriguez
Marcy Rodriguez
Phyllis Roseman
Rose Royce Huegele
Sherry Rumley
Paula Ryan
Manette Scanio
Cathy Scholl
Carol Scott
Cheryl Segrest
Ashley Smith
Linda Strong
Deana Strunk
Catherine Susser
Elizabeth Susser
Pat Susser
Boots Swikert
Karen Urban
Jen Vogt
Ann Volpe
Linda Walker Gandy
Stephanie Waterman
Angela Wendel
Erin Wilder
Judy Woodson
Glenda Worthley


Circle of Red / Men Go Red is sponsored by:

Macy's and CVS